Friday, September 18, 2020

Friday Sept 18 2020 Climate and Environment


Extension - Continued. . . 

1. What is permaculture? 

Permaculture is a set of design principles centered on 

whole systems thinking, simulating, or directly utilizing the 

patterns and resilient features observed in natural 

ecosystems. It uses these principles in a growing number of

fields from regenerative agriculture, rewilding, and 

community resilience.


2. View: Living a Radically Simple 

Permaculture Life  


What did you think of the piece?

How many cars does the average household have?

How much does this cost per year?

What does the quote "Going without means 

saying yes to other things."

How does this couple pay their mortgage? 

What is their bank?

What is our responsibility as those of the 

"developed" world?


3. Guerilla Gardening  


What is a food desert?

What does the speaker mean by "food is the 

problem and the solution." 

4. The Need To Grow follows pioneers of cutting edge technology as they fight to localize 

sustainable food systems and regenerate Earth's dying soils.

With an estimated 60 years of farmable soil left on Earth, The Need To GROW offers an intimate look into the hearts of activists and innovators in the food movement - an 8 year old girl challenges the ethics of a beloved organization - a renegade farmer struggles to keep his land as he revolutionizes resource efficient agriculture - and an accomplished visionary inventor faces catastrophe in the midst of developing a game-changing technology.

Narrated by Rosario Dawson (Marvel’s The Defenders, The Lego Batman Movie), TNTG delivers alarming evidence on the importance of healthy soil - revealing not only the potential of localized food production working with nature, but our opportunity as individuals to help regenerate our planet’s dying soils and participate in the restoration of the Earth.



Earth has lost 1/3 of it's farmable land in the last 40 years.

Today 70 % of the earth's farmable soil is gone. 

What is bio char? Why is it beneficial for soil regeneration? Bio char is the bi-product created by the GPH. Adds air, water absorption benefits to the soil. 

What is a GPH? Green Power House 

During WW2 how much food was grown in local gardens? 40%

What percentage of our food is thrown out and ends up in landfill? 97% 

What are the affects of this? Increase in C02, Methane, Nitrus

What is a closed looped system? Where the waste is utilized to put back into the system - full loop -

zero waste and regenerative. 

Note: We got to 1:10 in The Need To Grow film - last 30 min for Monday. 

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